KS3 Curriculum Information
Our KS3 curriculum maps are being updated. Please click here.
KS4 Curriculum Information
For information about our KS4 curriculum, please click here.
KS5 Curriculum Information
For information about out KS5 curriculum have a look at the North Bristol Post 16 website.
Exam board and Paper Information
Click here for the syllabus information for each subject.
Reading Vision Statement
At RGS we believe reading is essential. Not only does it represent the world we recognise but it is a portal to other worlds, it allows us to move beyond the walls of the classroom, the home and the limits of personal experience. It empowers us. Through reading we understand ourselves, we empathise, we challenge, we argue, we question, we grow. Reading develops our emotional intelligence and deepens our critical thinking. It provides real enjoyment and escapism. Without reading we limit horizons and vocabulary; with reading, we give students language, knowledge and questions that will serve them in all areas of their lives as they leave RGS and become part of the wider world.