Exam Results
Full details of our A Level results can be found on the DfE website
Results 2023
Full information of our Summer 2023 GCSE results can be found on the DfE website here
The headline figures are:
Progress 8 score: 0.48
Students achieving the Basics (Eng & Maths 5+): 74%
Students achieving the Basics (Eng & Maths 4+): 88%
Students achieving 9-7 in English and Maths: 28%
Students achieving 9-5 in English (Strong Pass): 82%
Students achieving 9-4 in English (Standard Pass) : 92%
Students achieving 9-5 in Maths (Strong Pass): 79%
Students achieving 9-4 in Maths (Standard Pass) : 90%
Results 2022
Full information of our Summer 2022 GCSE results can be found on the DfE website here
The headline figures are:
Progress 8 score: 0.43
Students achieving the Basics (Eng & Maths 5+): 67%
Students achieving the Basics (Eng & Maths 4+): 85%
Students achieving 9-7 in English and Maths: 31%
Students achieving 9-5 in English (Strong Pass): 84%
Students achieving 9-4 in English (Standard Pass) : 91%
Students achieving 9-5 in Maths (Strong Pass): 71%
Students achieving 9-4 in Maths (Standard Pass) : 87%