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Redland Green School

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Excalibur Academies Trust

Founded in 2012, we are a multi academy trust that prides itself on a special blend of independence and collaboration, which is demonstrated in everything that we do. Our academies and partner schools are exceptional – delivering an education which ensures every student achieves and enjoys success.

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Key Stage 4 curriculum


  • All pupils are given the opportunity to further develop their literacy and numeracy skills in preparation for their GCSE exams in English Language, English and maths.
  • Pupils complete activities related to their Key Stage 4 core cuucium offer including the opportunity to complete homework or project based tasks
  • Pupils work towards completing a Princes Trust Professional Development and Employability Qualification (PDEQ). This is a recognised award similar to that of the Duke of Edinburgh Award and comprises of various units relevant to employability such as; Teamwork, Presentation skills, Money management, Careers and Enterprise
  • Pupils are also given the opportunity to develop additional skills such as resilience and problem solving through externally run trips in the local, and wider area.

More information is available from the SENDCo, Mr Southon,  learningsupportteam@redlandgreen.bristol.sch.uk