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Redland Green School

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Excalibur Academies Trust

Founded in 2012, we are a multi academy trust that prides itself on a special blend of independence and collaboration, which is demonstrated in everything that we do. Our academies and partner schools are exceptional – delivering an education which ensures every student achieves and enjoys success.

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Punctuality reminders - start of the school day

  • ALL students to be on site by 8.20am
  • Students arriving after 8.25am will be marked as late, unless there is a valid reason given by parents for their absence.
  • Students who are late, without a valid reason, will be given a next day 30 minute detention via the ClassCharts App
  • Any student arriving after 9.00am, without a valid reason, will be marked as an unauthorised absence 

Students must sign in with the Behaviour Support team on arrival to school anytime between 8.25-8.40am.

Students arriving after 8.40am must sign in with a member of the Reception staff.

Reporting Absences

In the case of unplanned absence please contact the school on the morning of each and every day of absence.

You may contact the school regarding absence by:

In cases where there are prolonged instances of illness or repeated periods of illness we may require a medical note.

Injury/Illness and PE 

If your child is injured or well enough to be in school they should not avoid PE lessons. Please do not keep your child at home as this will impact on overall attendance due to missed sessions (am/pm registrations). Students should come to school as normal, with a note in their planner. Alternative and appropriate activities will be put in place for your child if unable to participate in PE lessons.

Medical Absence

Please try to make medical appointments outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, only remove your child from school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment. While medical appointments are authorised these absences will still impact on your child’s overall attendance if they fall in mentor or start of lesson 5 (am/pm registration sessions)

Please ensure you advise the school of planned medical absences in advance, by emailing student-absence@redlandgreen.bristol.sch.uk. This is an important part of our safeguarding requirement in permitting  students to leave the school site. Students must sign out at Main Reception when leaving for their appointment and sign in on their return to school.

Absences due to routine check ups or appointments will not be authorised for a full day. It is expected students would either be in school prior to appointments and/or return to school. Copies of the appointment letters may be requested.

Religious Observance

We will authorise absence for legitimate religious observance for the maximum of two days throughout the academic year. They will be authorised on dates exclusively set apart for this purpose by the religious body to which the parents belong. Any additional days taken will be classed as unauthorised and may incur a penalty notice.


Sporting Activity

Please forward any documentation that you have regarding the event to student-absence@redlandgreen.bristol.sch.uk

Absence Requests

The law does not grant parents the automatic right to take their child out of school during term time. Only exceptional circumstances warrant an authorised leave of absence. Please refer to the schools ‘Attendance Policy’ for further information.

Absence requests for your child can be made via the following form


The request should be submitted as soon as it is anticipated; and wherever possible, at least four weeks before the absence. Although such absence may be unauthorised, it is better that we know your child is safe, rather than missing. We will endeavour to respond to your absence request within 5 working days. 


Useful Resources 

Is my child too ill for school?