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Redland Green School

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Excalibur Academies Trust

Founded in 2012, we are a multi academy trust that prides itself on a special blend of independence and collaboration, which is demonstrated in everything that we do. Our academies and partner schools are exceptional – delivering an education which ensures every student achieves and enjoys success.

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OFFER FOR Previously Looked after child

The Designated Teacher & Deputy Head at RGS is Mr Southon.

If you would like RGS to claim PP+ funding to support your child, you will need to identify your child as being Previously Looked After by providing proof of being in care and the current court order (adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order.) Please be aware that your child's name will be disclosed on the census if we claim PP+ funding.

Children adopted inside or outside of England

These children will have priority school placements and the school can claim PP+ funding. From 1 April 2023, pupil premium eligibility for pupils who have been adopted from care or have left care will include children adopted from outside of England and Wales. 

Core Offer

Schools do not have to spend funding to solely benefit eligible pupils. Using pupil premium funding to improve teaching quality is the most effective way to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. Evidence shows that academically able pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds are most at risk of under-performing. These pupils should receive just as much focus as less academically able pupils. Some of the benefits of Previously Looked After Child funding will include group Math and/or English tuition, a pen-portrait will be in place, curriculum trips will be free, revision guides will be provided for free, individual music lessons led by a private external tutor will be discounted and a named key-worker will be in place. 


You will need to consent as to whether or not it will be beneficial for staff to know that your child is a Previously Looked After Child. Teaching staff, Progress Mentors, Counselor, Careers (advice and guidance), Wellbeing Leads, Behaviour Support, Pastoral staff, Tuition staff, Safeguarding staff, Trips etc can all be fast tracked if it is known that your child is PLAC. 

 Partnership with Parents

Your named contact will be Mrs Bishop who is the Pupil Premium Coordinator at RGS. You can meet twice a year to complete an ‘Education Plan.’ You can contact Mrs Bishop anytime via email. Work days: Tuesday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Transition visits

If you would like an additional transition visit to include parents, this can be arranged.