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Redland Green School

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Our Trust Our Trust

Excalibur Academies Trust

Founded in 2012, we are a multi academy trust that prides itself on a special blend of independence and collaboration, which is demonstrated in everything that we do. Our academies and partner schools are exceptional – delivering an education which ensures every student achieves and enjoys success.

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As a school, we will offer the best support that we can for our students well-being, led by our Wellbeing Leads (Y7 - 11) and Student Services (Post 16). Please contact your child’s Wellbeing Lead about any of these issues:

  • Child Protection

  • Bullying

  • Personal Issues

Who To Contact:

If you have an immediate welfare concern: 

To report a safeguarding concern please email: safeguardingalert@redlandgreen.bristol.sch.uk

Click on Parent Contact Flow Charts below to assist with queries.

Well-Being leads:

Catherine Martin - Geese and Warblers



Jo Williams - Larks and Ducks



Sarah Haine - Post 16


Support for parents and students:

We would also like to direct parents/carers and students to the many excellent organisations locally that can give specialist support for the different areas that affect young people through adolescence.

bnssg school nursing school clinic drop in poster v1 1 .pdf

school nurse poster.pdf

school poster a4 all link workers for printing.pdf


Mental Health

Off The Record

OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol. Getting support couldn't be easier.

Go to OTR

Young Minds

We're the UK's leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health. We will make sure all young people get the best possible mental health.

Go to YM


Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.

Go to Kooth


We provide expert, accredited advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems.

Go to Rethink


We offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you.

Go to Samaritans

Creative Youth Network

Helps young people, no matter what their background or circumstances, to reach their own creative potential.



Go to Creative Youth Network 






Healthy Relationships Sexual Health


Your free & confidential sexual health & wellbeing experts.

Go to Brook


We change the lives of young people who most need our help. We listen to them. We believe in them – no matter who they are, what they have done or what they have been through.

Go to Brook

National Domestic Violence Helpline

Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline for women experiencing domestic violence and others calling on their behalf.

Go to National Domestic Violence Helpline

Women's Aid

We are a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services and build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated.

Go to Women's Aid


We're the leading children's charity fighting to prevent child abuse in the UK and Channel Islands. Join us in the fight for every childhood.



Provides support to people in Bristol who have experienced rape or any kind of sexual assault or abuse at any time in their lives.


Drugs & Alcohol

Bristol Drugs Project

We are a Bristol-based charity here to help you with alcohol and drug problems. With over 30 years’ experience providing a free and confidential service, we have the expert knowledge to support you.

Go to Bristol Drugs Project

Eating Disorders


We are a friend to anyone affected by eating disorders, giving individuals and their loved ones a place where they feel listened to, supported and empowered.

Go to Beat

Young Minds

We're the UK's leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health. We will make sure all young people get the best possible mental health.

Go to Young Minds



We're the leading children's charity fighting to prevent child abuse in the UK and Channel Islands. Join us in the fight for every childhood.



Your free & confidential sexual health & wellbeing experts.

Go to Brook

Integrate UK

Integrate UK was formed to integrate young people who have arrived in the UK from other countries and cultures into British society.

Go to Integrate UK

Off The Record

OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol. Getting support couldn't be easier.

Go to OTR


Stonewall Youth

We're here to let all young lesbian, gay, bi and trans people - as well as those who are questioning - know they're not alone.

Go to Stonewall Youth

Gendered Intelligence

We work with the trans community; we particularly specialise in supporting young trans people under 21.

Go to Gendered Intelligence

Switchboard LGBT

We’re here to help you with whatever you want to talk about. Nothing is off-limits, and we understand how anxious you might feel before you pick up the phone.

Go to Switchboard LGBT