Year 7 Catch-up funding
What is the catch-up premium?
The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives state-funded schools, including special schools and alternative provision settings, additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2).
Last year’s funding allocation
In 2017-18, Redland Green School received £10000 in catch up funding. The funding was spent in the following ways:
Literacy Intervention:
All year 7 pupils were given a standardised, benchmark reading and spelling test. These results were cross-referenced with Key Stage 2 data and any students who had not reached the expected levels were offered small-group literacy intervention.
At the start of the literacy intervention, Students were given a SPAG-focused baseline assessment and self-assessment. The outcomes formed the focus of the intervention sessions (core spellings, punctuation and grammar). Sessions were organised to avoid clashes with core subjects. Pace and task selection were differentiated for different groups. Students completed a summative assessment: the majority of students made good progress and any pupils who had not progressed sufficiently were offered further individual, targeted support. Ongoing self-assessments showed that in nearly all cases, pupils felt positive and confident about what they had learnt.
Students were also given access to the Lexia reading programme, which was monitored by a teacher to encourage regular usage and reward achievement. An additional teacher-led, lunchtime drop-in session was also available. These interventions were communicated to parents through a letter and information evening.
This year’s funding allocation
In 2018-19, Redland Green School received £10000 in catch up funding. The funding has been allocated in the following ways.
Literacy Intervention:
This year, Year 7 pupils have all taken the standardised reading and spelling tests. These results will be cross-referenced with the Key Stage 2 date in order to identify students who have not met expected levels and require small-group intervention.
Pupils will be timetabled for intervention sessions in small groups, avoiding clashes with cores subjects. They will be given a SPAG-focused baseline assessment and self-assessment; the outcomes will determine the focus of the sessions, for example core spelling, grammar punctuation and comprehension skills. This could include an English-as-an-Additional-Language focus, if relevant. A summative assessment will be completed and, depending on progress and identified needs, some students may be offered further one-to-one support.
Students will be given access to the Lexia reading programme and offered an additional teacher-led lunchtime session. Lexia usage will be monitored, including rewards given for regular usage. Pupils will be introduced to a new Lexia programme called PowerUp : a differentiated and independent reading programme that includes engaging content for teenagers .
There will also be opportunities for one-to-one sessions during Mentor time for students who need specific, targeted intervention. Information will be gathered from all subject staff on an ongoing basis to identify pupils’ literacy needs.
Pupils in Year 8 will also be given the standardised reading spelling tests, enabling follow-through support for any students still not meeting expected progress.
These interventions will be communicated to parents and carers through a letter and information evening.
Year 7 Numeracy Intervention:
All Year 7 pupils s were given a Numeracy Key Skills Test. These were cross-referenced with KS2 mathematics data where available and any students who had not reached the expected levels were offered small group numeracy intervention.
The small groups were primarily based on each individual’s timetables such that core subjects where possible were avoided and also in conjunction with literacy intervention such that there were no clashes. Where possible the intervention was differentiated for the different groups.
At the start of the numeracy intervention students were then given a base-line assessment so that the relevant skills could be decided upon. Any student that showed significant progress was given another assessment and if relevant was released from the intervention.
These interventions were communicated to parents through a letter and an information evening in conjunction with the literacy aspect.
This year all Year 7 pupils will be given a Numeracy Key Skills Test which will be cross-referenced with the KS2 mathematics data where available. Any students who have not reached the expected level will be offered small group numeracy intervention.
The groups will be based on individual’s timetables such that core subjects where possible are avoided. A baseline assessment will be done to inform which skills need to be focused upon.
Interventions will be communicated to parents through a letter and an information evening in conjunction with the literacy aspect.